As much as I know that this will annoy my dear friend Stella, I am going to put her photo here.
She will totally hate this photo being here, but she will just have to accept the fact that I want to pay her a tribute for being such a great friend, & for always being here for me, even though she lives on the opposite side of the planet. We met 14 years ago (at my wedding) & have just been "together" since, despite the differences in time zones. Apparently we are quite similar according to those who know us both quite well, which I am really happy about, because I very much admire & love her. She is warm, kind, intelligent, feisty, funny, gorgeous to look at - the entire package really.
We have had a hard few months here in our family, with the poor health of some of our loved family members being the main concern, with all that that involves.

These are the beautiful flowers she & Peter sent last week, just to be lovely. How lucky am I to have her in my life? A good friend is a true gift & we need to take care of all our friendships. Sometimes they do take work, sometimes they are just easy, but if they nurture your soul & enhance your life then they are worth it.