I have been converted! No, really I have. It's almost a religious experience - for I have discovered the joy-for-my-hair that is the product range from "Original & Mineral". My Hairdressing Salon, the wonderful team at Paul Tabbitt Hairdressing in Ballarat http://www.tabbitthair.com.au have been stocking & using the products for quite a while now, but with me being the sceptic I am, I was quite dubious about all the snake oil claims of how great these products are for my hair (sorry to my darling Paul, I do believe you now - kisses xx You know I am a snarky old woman at the best of times).

I have been using this "Seven Day Miracle Moisture Masque" religiously now for about 6 weeks, applying it once a week. From the first use I noted a change in my hair that it was smoother, softer - less fly away frizzy really, which is such a relief for me, I turn afro at the drop of a hat. Consistent use has made a world of difference to my hair & how I feel about myself, so now I have joined the cult that is O & M. I also love the hydrating moisturising conditioner & use that daily. Paul Tabbitt Hairdressing is the only Ballarat stockist, so for all you other folks not in Ballarat who wish to give it a go I suggest that you contact the staff at Original & Mineral http://www.originalmineral.com/index.html as I'm sure they would help you out with posting product if you needed them too (well, clearly I cannot promise that but I would assume that they would let you know where your nearest stockist is).
They are also fun to follow on Twitter, my faves are:
They are also fun to follow on Twitter, my faves are: