Years ago, when I was working in Melbourne at The Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital (which no longer exists & is, I believe, now a housing estate) I met a fantastic couple. Their names were Deb & John, & these guys made my transition to Melbourne an absolute joy. Their house was a cacophony of eclectic furniture pieces, art works, books & food styles. John was a great cook, & he made the BEST BBQ'd sardines ever in the history of mankind. He also made a killer salad dressing & this is the dressing I now always make. I am no longer in touch with either of them (life is sometimes like that) but I do miss them very much. I often wonder what they are up to, & I often think that I should make the effort to track them down to say hello.

Salad Dressing.
In an old jar:
1/3 balsamic vinegar (you can also add some fresh lemon/lime juice)
2/3 oil (I now use a mixture of olive oil & Red Palm Fruit oil)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp seeded mustard (I use the Masterfoods one)
That is the basis to add to whatever you like, but my favourites are:
Heaps of grated fresh garlic
Mixed herbs