Monday, June 15, 2009

No internet

Oh my goodness - I have just survived 5 days without the internet on at home.

5 days.

I survived!

I did lots of other stuff though - caught up on reading, on housework, and hung out with the kids a bit more. And it was really nice actually.

The internet provider was not THAT helpful in getting things connected a bit quicker though, I don't think it was high in their list of priorities, until I rang the local ABC and asked them if they could find out why it was out for so long for me, because I had no answers from my multiple phone calls over the 5 days.

Amazing - one hour after the local internet service provider manager was interviewed by the local ABC as to why we were all out around here - it was magically turned back on. Go figure.

Now to get my rebate.....:)


  1. wow! i love the power-to-the-people radio thing. :)

  2. I know - bizarre method, but clearly very effective. Handy hint really!
