Here's a sneak peek of the winning photos.
Aren't they so cool? These photos have since been edited to PERFECTION and I'm taking them to the printers today. Hopefully the calendar will be up for sale in about 2 weeks. I desperately want them available for the Melbourne Royal (September 22) where a lot of our briards in Victoria will be shown, and will save the buyers on postage. I like to be able to hand them out personally to see how people react seeing their puppy in print. The winning entries are so yummy - great calendar again this year. The profit from the calendar sale is the main source of income for Briard Rescue, which is so important to have to help a briard in need unite with a new home as quickly as possible. Luckily it doesn't happen too often, but when it does it is so hard for all involved. It can be very stressful as you would imagine.
Hang on to mine for the moment Tan, should be in Vic at the beginning of October for the wedding...still in the planning!!!