Last weekend we met up with some of our dearest friends for a small briard outing at Point Addis dog beach, and we had a wonderful day. The weather was terrible leaving Ballarat, but as it got closer to the beach the sun turned up and it really was quite warm. I was very clever in taking gum boots and extra clothes for the boys, because, despite their assertions to the contrary, they manged to get quite sodden, and collected half the beach water in their boots.

Liana, Oscar, Tom, Coco, Tania, Iggy, Jack, Curtis, Annabelle, Rei, Matisse
There was absolutely no one else on the beach to be seen, so there were no concerns about dog brawls or having to watch out for other children near these large dogs. We had a BBQ (I managed to forget my sausages) but there was enough for all to share between us all. We have about 3 gatherings per year, with the next one being at the Royal Melbourne Show - where the briards will be stars of course. Coco & Iggy won't be showing, but Jem & I will be there as a support crew for all the others, as well as the official photographers (naturally).
So what distracted Annabelle & Matisse when they should have been looking at Jem's camera?