Today is ANZAC Day here in Australia & all over the world. So, along with thousand of others in Ballarat, we attended the local Dawn Service & my Dad joined us. It never fails to move me, I always manage to cry, the playing of "The Last Post" is just exquisite. It is also very moving to be standing in a crowd of people, silently, with all honouring our history, just being united in support of the Armed Forces who fought so that we have the freedoms that we have today. We has nice weather, of course it was cold (it is Ballarat) but there was no rain & only a slight breeze. Perfect!

Jeremy, Jack, Dad & Tom
I never used to pay much attention to ANZAC Day as a kid as it was not something that appeared to be a focus in our family. However, after J & I married (or even before really) that certainly changed. He grew up the son of a serving professional army man, went wherever they were posted, & is now a fierce supporter of Legacy. In fact this May he will become the President of the local Legacy Branch, which is apparently trail blazing - for his young age & also for the fact that he has never served in the Australian Armed Forces.

Chocolate muffins & ANZAC biscuits, baked yesterday
So, to all who have fought bravely for me & my family, in the past, the present & the future - thank you. Thank you also to your families, who have given of their time to love to support you, I do no think that their roads would be easy sometimes.
Lest we forget.
Well said, Tan.