Wow!! The baby girls are five! Who knew that those squally puppies would grow up to be the lovely young ladies that they are (well, mostly are) now. Happy 5th birthday to the two briards who have enriched our lives & expanded our friendship group to include the most wonderful other briard families whom we now call our dear friends.

I'm not sure where I got the following list from, but it sums up the briard beautifully:
GET A BRIARD BECAUSE THEY: (Half truths... followed by the real meaning)
- Don't shed........ "What are these little balls of hair on her?"
- Are very smart........ Knowing and doing are 2 different things.
- Are alert....... When you are near a can opener.
- Are gentle....... Only breaks 1/2 the things she knocks over.
- Are interesting looking....... Learn to say, "It's a Briard" 999 times in rapid succession.
- Like to sleep near their owners....... Buy a bigger bed.
- Like to travel........ Buy a bigger car.
- Like to stay by your side....... Buy a bigger couch.
- Like to be with you constantly....... Build a bigger bathroom.
- Are an education pet....... Learn the meaning of the word bigger.
- Aren't timid....... She's begging from the neighbours again.
- Are playful....... "See my black & blue marks?"
- Have strong teeth...... "See my scars?"
- Worked for the government during the war....... She chewed up the mail again.
- Have a thick coat....... Pick broken comb teeth out of the carpet.
- Keep their toys in one place....... "Where are my shoes?"
- Look cute with a toy in their mouth....... "Where is the cat?"
- Are good watch dogs....... Make a lot of noise at 3am if there is a prowler or a squirrel in the yard.
- Are constant companions....... "Get out of here, I'm busy!"
- Are fearless...... "The skunk got her again".
- Are good herding dogs....... "She's got the cat in the closet again"
- Have excellent memory....... When it's convenient.
- Work well with verbal commands....... "Doctor, I think I have laryngitis".
- Have good hearing....... "That's right, I'm talking to you!"
- Are economical....... "We can't go out to dinner, I've got dog school".
- Are easy to house train....... Brown spots give the lawn contrast.
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